The Red List of Bornean Endemic Dipterocarps

Borneo is a diversity hotspot for trees within the family of Dipterocarpaceae. It is home to 267 species of this family, 162 of which are endemic to the island and found nowhere else in the world. The Red List of Bornean Endemic Dipterocarps finds that 62% or 99 species are threatened with extinction, including 18 Critically Endangered species. The major threats are land conversion for agro-industrial plantations as well as historical large-scale unsustainable logging of these reliable timber trees.

The report also details conservation efforts already in place for the group and considerations to be made when looking to the future of Bornean dipterocarp conservation. 

Associated resources

  • The Red List of Bornean Endemic Dipterocarps

    Conservation Prioritisation, Tree Conservation / Publication / English
    The Red List of Bornean Endemic Dipterocarps documents the conservation status of all 162 species of dipterocarp tree endemic to Borneo.

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