Bukit Sungai Puteh

Wild Animals and Birds Protection Reserve


  • State
    Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur
  • Organization
    Department of Wildlife and National Parks
  • Governance Type
    Type A - Governance by government
  • IUCN Category
  • Status
  • Area Gazetted
    14.500 Ha
  • Area Calculated
  • Total Area
    14.500 Ha
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Wild Life Reserve. Gazetted under the Wild Animals and Birds Protection Enactment 1925 (Section 7). See also Bukit Sungei Puteh Wildlife Reserve under Selangor.
There are three gazette notifications pertaining to this area and all three were under the Wild Animals and Bird Protection Enactment 1925. The first notification gazetted an area of 40.06ha in the district of Kuala Lumpur and Ulu Langat, and subdistrict (mukim) Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya and Cheras. The second gazette notification revoked the previous notification and regazetted a similar area. This notification provided a detailed description of the area as well as a specific schedule of protected animals and birds. The size regazetted is still 40.06ha in the same districts and subdistrict. The third gazette notification is an addition (10.52ha) to the wildlife reserve in the Ulu Langat district and Cheras subdistrict resulting in total area gazetted as 50.58ha. However, attempts to map the original boundary of the wildlife reserve were not successful due to insufficient information of the location of the lots. The existing boundary drawn for the wildlife reserve (from the DWNP-DANCED project) gives a total area of 10.2ha. It is not clear how the boundary was derived and there is an error in the identification of parts of the wildlife reserve being in Selangor side whereas all of the wildlife reserve is actually located in (Federal Territory) Kuala Lumpur. Until the area is resurveyed, the boundary for Bukit Sungei Puteh Wildlife Reserve will follow the boundary of Bukit Sungai Puteh Forest Reserve for the respective Federal Territory and Selangor.


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Website Citation: MyBIS (2024). Malaysia Biodiversity Information System. Published on the Internet https://www.mybis.gov.my/, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, Malaysia Biodiversity Centre & Forest Research Institute Malaysia. [Retrieved 27 April 2024].