The given variable is not an array and contains a null value. Tectaria siifolia (Willd.) Copel. | Tectariaceae | Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS)
Native Plants

Tectaria siifolia

Not Evaluated
Malaysia Plant Red List
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The taxonomic status is pending for approval


Tectaria siifolia (Willd.) Copel. is distributed throughout Malesia and is quite local in occurrence (Holttum 1991). In Peninsular Malaysia, it was previously recorded only from Perak and Pahang, often near limestone or sometimes as a terrestrial fern. However, during our fieldtrip to Gua Teja in Kelantan in 2009, this species was also discovered on the limestone there.

This species has a short-creeping to sub-erect rhizome. The rhizome is covered by narrow, stiff and dark brown scales. The stipes are purple to chestnut-coloured towards the base and may reach up to 30 cm long in sterile fronds, or up to 50 cm long in the fertile fronds. The lamina is three or five-foliolate. It is thinly coriaceous with a glabrous surface, except for the more-or-less hairy costae beneath and the densely hairy rachis covered by very short pale hairs. 


Year Published Assessment Red List Category Version
2010 Malaysia Plant Red List
Not Evaluated (NE)


  1. Abdul Rahman, A.R., Koh, H.L., Muhamad, A., Wan Yusof, W.K. & Latiff, A. (2011). Hutan Simpan Melaka: Pengurusan Hutan, Persekitaran Fizikal, Kepelbagaian Biologi dan Socio-ekonomi. Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia, Malaysia. pp. 315.

Acknowledgements :- Mr. Abdul Razak Mohd Nor Rasid, Ms. Ajla Rafidah Baharom, Mrs. Nur Hazwanie Binti Abd Halim, Mrs. Nurfarhana Hizan Binti Hijas & Ms. Siti Zubaidah Binti Abdul Latif

Species Citation :- Tectaria siifolia. Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS). Accessed via [Retrieved 20 April 2024].

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