The given variable is not an array and contains a null value. Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty & P.C.Silva, 1996 | Solieriaceae | Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS)

Kappaphycus alvarezii

Elkhorn Sea Moss
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The taxonomic status is pending for approval


So far we know little about the species, apart from its appearance.


  1. Phang, S.M., Yeong, H.Y. & Lim, P.E. (2019). Checklist of Malaysian Marine Algae. Taxonomy of Southeast Asia Seaweeds III. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya Monograph Series 17. pp. 172-203
  2. Phang, S.M., Yeong, H.Y. & Lim, P.E. (2019). The seaweed resources of Malaysia. Botanica Marina, 10
  1. National Action Plan on Invasive Alien Species 2021-2025, 2021. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry & Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Malaysia. pp. 84. — [ Adobe PDF (PDF) ]
  2. Pesona Perikanan Malaysia, 2016. Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia.
  3. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018 - Meeting the sustainable development goals, 2018. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. pp. 227. — [ Adobe PDF (PDF) ]
  4. Carpenter, K.E. & Niem, V.H. (1998). FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes: The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Volume 1. FAO, Rome, Italy. pp. ix+251.
  5. Lim, P.E., Tan, J., Adibi, Rahiman & Phang, S.M. (2014). A Guide to Kappaphycus and Euchema Seaweeds in Malaysia. Institut Sains Samudera dan Bumi (IOES), Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. pp. 1-80.
  6. Lim, P.E., Tan, J., Adibi, Rahiman & Phang, S.M. (2014). A Guide to Kappaphycus and Eucheuma Seaweeds in Malaysia. University of Malaya, Malaysia. pp. 82.
  7. Phang, S.M. & Lim, P.E. (2013). Taxonomy of Southeast Asian Seaweeds II. University of Malaya Press, Malaysia. pp. 241.
Chapter in book
  1. Phang, S.M., Wong, C.L., Lim, P.E., Ooi, J.L.S., Ismail, M., Yeong, H.Y., Gan, S.Y. & Mustafa, E.M. (2007). Seaweed Diversity in Malaysia. In Chua, L.S.L., Kirton, L.G. & Saw, L.G. (Eds.), Status of Biological Diversity in Malaysia and Threat Assessment of Plant Species in Malaysia: Proceedings of the Seminar and Workshop, 28-30 June 2005. Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). pp. 185-210.

Acknowledgements :- Ms. Aida Salihah Binti Abu Bakar, Mrs. Aziemah Binti Kinan, Mr. Badrul Amin Bin Jaffar, Mr. Liang Xi Long, Ms. Mira Farzana Binti Mohamad Mokhtar, Ms. Nur Razan Faiqah Binti Zahili & Mr. Yasser Mohamed Arifin

Species Citation :- Kappaphycus alvarezii. Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS). Accessed via [Retrieved 23 April 2024].

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