MyBIS QR, SSN and Bot
The usage of QR Code & Telegram MyBIS


1. What is a QR?
QR is the abbreviation for Quick Response. The information can be accessed by simply scanning the QR using any available QR application.

2. How to use QR?
To use QR, you must scan the QR by using a QR application. Readers can obtain additional information related to the species through MyBIS website.

3. Can I use the species QR in my publication?
Yes, you are allowed to do so. The use of QR in the publications can summarize all the information. Additional information about the species will be linked to the MyBIS website.

4. What is the advantage of using a QR code?
The QR can help store additional information so that the writing in publications can be simplified and more easily understood by readers.

MyBIS Species Serial Number (SSN)

5. What is the function of the serial number of each species?
Each species in MyBIS system has its own unique identifying number. This serial number enables a user to search for a particular species quickly without scanning the QR. Go to your internet browser and type these in the Address Bar/URL https://mybis.gov.my/sp/xxxxx (replace xxxxx with SSN)

6. How to use the SSN in my publication?
Search for a particular species in MyBIS website to get its own serial number. It is located under the species QR. Then include the species serial number (SSN) in your publications.

8. Are there other applications that are used to search using SSN?
Yes, this SSN can also be used in the MyBIS Bot in Telegram for quick searching.

9. What are the methods for searching species through the MyBIS Bot in Telegram?
To search species through the Telegram app, you must:

  1. Download the Telegram app
  2. Search by typing “mybisgovmy
  3. Click 'Start'
  4. Type a scientific name, keyword, common name or SSN
  5. Send and click on the link to go to the species profile

QR Code
Scan QR code for mobile experience

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Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS)   by   Malaysia Biodiversity Centre (MBC)

Copyright © 2024, Malaysia Biodiversity Centre (MBC), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES). All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER - The Malaysian Government, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES), Malaysia Biodiversity Centre (MBC) and Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the usage of any information obtained from this website. By entering this site, you acknowledge and agree that no portion of this site, including but not limited to names, logos, trademarks, patents, sound, graphics, charts, text, audio, video, information or images are either MyBIS property or the property permitted by third-party and shall not be used without prior written approval from the owner(s).
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Website Citation: MyBIS (2024). Malaysia Biodiversity Information System. Published on the Internet https://www.mybis.gov.my/, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, Malaysia Biodiversity Centre & Forest Research Institute Malaysia. [Retrieved 27 April 2024].